Psalm 67 – Lord Bless and pity us (Paraphrase from the Scottish Psalter)

Psalm 67:  A paraphrase – Lord Bless and pity us  (Church Hymnary 4 – CH4 45)
Set to tune =  CH4 594 Diademata (Crown him with many crowns)
by Charles Litster

  1. Lord, bless and pity us,
    shine on us with your face:

    that your way may be known on earth,
    all nations know your grace.
    Let people praise you, Lord;
    let all the people praise.
    Oh, let the nations all be glad,
    in songs their voices raise:
  2. You’ll justly people judge,
    on earth rule nations all.
    Let people praise you, Lord; let them
    praise you, both great and small.
    The earth her fruit shall yield,
    our God shall blessing send.
    God shall us bless; all shall him fear
    unto earth’s utmost end.

Harvest Thanksgiving – a forgotton song of praise – Sing to the Lord of harvest

I found this the other day, the source is the Trinity Psalter Hymnal – Hymn 553

I have set it to a different tune, that is  ‘All things bright and beautiful’. It is a fantastic tune and the words are perfect.  For that reason,  at the end of this version, I return to the refrain of that great hymn.

Sing to the Lord of harvest

John S. B. Monsell (1866)

Tune “All things bright and beautiful”

1 Sing to the Lord of harvest,
sing songs of love and praise;
with joyful hearts and voices
your alleluias raise!
By him the rolling seasons
in fruitful order move;
sing to the Lord of harvest
a song of happy love.

2 By him the clouds drop fatness,
the deserts bloom and spring,
the hills leap up in gladness,
the valleys laugh and sing.
He filleth with his fullness
all things with large increase;
he crowns the year with goodness,
with plenty, and with peace.

3 Heap on his sacred altar
the gifts his goodness gave,
The golden sheaves of harvest,
the souls Christ died to save.
Your hearts lay down before him
when at his feet you fall,
and with your lives adore him
who gave his life for all.

4 To God the gracious Father,
who made us “very good,”
to Christ, who, when we wandered,
restored us with his blood,
and to the Holy Spirit,
who doth upon us pour
his blessed dews and sunshine,
be praise forevermore.

End on…

5 All things bright and beautiful,
all creatures great and small,
all things wise and wonderful,
the Lord God made them all. 


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